Chennett Big Bang is an organized collaboration between artists and writers where teams work together to create Chennett centered content!

Artist Requirements

At least one neatly rendered illustration with either base colors or greyscale shading at minimum. Backgrounds are not required.

Writer Requirements

5k words minimum. May be multiple chapters and does not have to be complete before posting as long as the word requirement is met.

Pinch Hitters

Will be held to the same requirements as listed above. Pinch hitters must be able to complete a piece as soon as 5 days before the team's scheduled posting time.

Beta Readers

Beta readers will only be assigned to teams where the writer has specifically requested a beta reader. Writers will be responsible for contacting beta readers for assistance.


Both the event and the Discord server are 16+, age confirmation through social media is required.

Only those that are 18+ may work on pieces that contain mature or explicit content.

If you need to drop out or need an extension on a check in, please let one of the event moderators know. Failure to complete a check in will result in a mod reaching out to you, and failure to respond to that will result in being kicked from the event.


Please submit an introduction within 24 hours of joining the server! Social media with some sort of age verification is required. If you are a minor, you must be 16+, and for NSFW channel access mods must be able to verify that you are 18 or older.

Once pairings are revealed, team channels will be created. You will submit your check ins in those channels.

For more detailed rules please read the server rules channel!


Sign UpsNov 1 - Nov 15Participant sign ups open
Confirmation emails sent outNov 16 - Nov 19Emails confirming applicants' participation sent out along with another invite to the Discord
Writer Pitch SubmissionsNov 21 - Dec 1Writers submit their anonymous fic summaries
Artist ClaimsDec 6 - Dec 14Artists choose which summaries catch their eye and list which fics they would like to parter with
Pairs RevealedDec 17Artist and writer teams announced!
First Check InJan 8Basic outline from writer / sketch or concept from artists
Second Check inFeb 101k or at least 30% completion from writers, finalized sketch from artists
Final Check inMar 15Pieces near completion
Final SubmissionsMar 18Completed pieces due
Posting Period BeginsMar 21Artist and writer teams will be assigned dates to post their works in order to stagger posting